Application High Gravity Brewing

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High Gravity Brewing can boost a brewery’s capacity considerably, without having to invest in brewing house, tank or filter capacity. The idea here is to make and ferment worts with a high original wort content.

A carbonating and mixing unit is then used to set the parameters desired, such as original wort, CO2 and alcohol content shortly before bottling. The brewing house also needs less water to make the wort, so less energy is needed for heating, boiling and cooling purposes.

Pentair’s HGB solution in its maximum configuration consists of:

  • Beer Membrane Filtration
  • Water Deaeration
  • Deaerated water distribution & Storage
  • Carbonating and Blending

Pentair offers these compact systems both on a standalone basis or as a complete solution, including all components required. Combined with an integrated automation solution, the process becomes more reliable and easily controlled.


  • All process stages combined in single units
  • Optimum process and product monitoring
  • Plug & play interface
  • Reduced costs while increasing productivity
  • Total one-stop concept
  • Integrated fully automatic formula management
  • Fully automatic CIP capable

Pentair High Gravity Brewing Technology

Pentair's High Gravity Brewing (HGB) Technology allows you to boost your brewery's capacity considerably and offer a variety of products without having to invest in brewing house, tank or filter capacity.

Pentair High Gravity Brewing Technology

Pentair's High Gravity Brewing (HGB) Technology allows you to boost your brewery's capacity considerably and offer a variety of products without having to invest in brewing house, tank or filter capacity.


A BMF makes use of proprietary membrane technology owned by Pentair. This membrane fiber technology has several advantages compared to the use of diatomaceous earth filters: beer aging is strongly reduced and beer quality is consistent. Besides the use of membranes is sustainable and environmentally-friendly.

Pentair's Carbo Blender (CBR) combines accurate control of both blending and carbonation in one unit, enabling the optimization of high gravity beer production with regard to both quantity and quality.

The Water Deaeration System WDS is based on our long experience in the area of gas/liquid stripping technology resulting in a highly efficient removal of air.

The premium version, the Carbo Controller (CCR) offers full and controlled dissolution of CO2 by integrated CO2 measurement and correction, without the need of an additional PLC.

Pentair Südmo's Hygienic and Aseptic Valve Technology is used to distribute deaerated water.

When it comes to carbonation, whether you are a small craft brewer or operating on larger scale, we have the right solution. Our Pinpoint Carbonator, the economical version, is more suited for smaller brewers but still offers inline carbonation. 


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BMF +Flux S6

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Water Deaeration System - WDS                                                

Pentair Water Deaeration System achieves very low residual dissolved oxygen content in the deaerated water.

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Pentair Südmo Valve Manifolds offer professional design, combined with the highest processing quality and permit optimum cleaning for perfect product quality. 

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